Fishing the Hoh River in the Olympic Peninsula is an adventure like no other. Nestled within the breathtaking landscapes of Olympic National Park, this river is renowned for its stunning scenery and abundant fish species. The Hoh River flows through one of the last remaining temperate rainforests in the United States, offering a unique backdrop of towering trees and vibrant greenery. As we float down the Hoh River, keep an eye out for the diverse wildlife that inhabits the area, including elk, black bears, and a variety of bird species. Our Hoh River Fishing Guides are intimately familiar with the Hoh River and its sometimes challenging conditions. We work hard to not only put you on fish, but to ensure you are able to experience everything that a float down the Hoh River has to offer!
The Hoh River is a glacially fed river, similar to those found in British Columbia or Alaska, and all of our Hoh River Guided Trips take place in either a 14ft raft or a 17ft fully outfitted Willie Drift Boat. The choice to fish from either will depend primarily on river conditions and fish species.
Hoh River King Salmon Fishing Trips.
King Salmon fishing can be one of the most exciting fisheries of them all, especially when you hook into a big and bright 40 pound Tidewater King Salmon. Every year we catch big beautiful Kings out of the Hoh River and each one is unique.
Our Hoh River King Salmon Trips primarily run from September 1st to November 1st and we will adjust accordingly based on river conditions and run timing/size. We use all of the traditional techniques to trick these amazing fish into biting; some days we run plugs and others we run bobber and eggs, the condition and timing will really determine our techniques.

Hoh River Silver Salmon Fishing Trips.
Our Silver Salmon season generally kicks off around the beginning of September, or after the first big rainfall. Traditionally the Hoh River gets a decent run of Silvers every year and they are always fun! Most of the silvers average around 10 pounds each, but often get into the high teen-20 pound range!
Silver Salmon fishing is similar to fishing for Kings, using a lot of the same techniques. Silvers are generally a bit more aggressive and we catch them using a variety of techniques, from back bouncing eggs to twitching jigs and everything in between!
Hoh River Trophy Steelhead Fishing Trips.
Everyone who’s ever heard of Steelhead Fishing, has heard of the O.P. for Big Wild Steelhead and the Hoh is the Mecca of them all. We fish for the Hoh River Steelhead generally from January 1st to around March 15th, or when the season allows. The fishery is generally a “Wild Steelhead” fishery and we take great care in the handling of these amazing fish. Every year we catch several big Hoh River Steelhead in the 20 pound range.
We use all the regular techniques to catch these amazing fish; from small clusters of eggs (when bait is allowed), to floating bobber and jigs… and everything in between.